Coval Energy is a clean-tech company with a complementary team of three specialists with over 75 years of experience in utilities, the oil & gas and the chemical industry.
Our expertise covers a broad range of activities from CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) to CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilisation). This includes capture, compression and transport of CO2 including applications of supercritical CO2 (extraction and catalysis), and the production of base chemicals including potassium formate, ammonium formate and formic acid.
Since our inception in 2015, we have been developing breakthrough solutions for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions using renewable electricity as a feedstock, that are being patented or have obtained patents.
Once a solution reaches a certain maturity we venture these out in separate companies. Each company serves a specific, well-defined market and arise managed by dedicated, experienced entrepreneurs that have a track record and sector background. These teams are supported by us, by strategic partners and third-party investors.